The boys, Rumah Aman staff and their families visited Rumah Aman 2 site located at the Sungai Buloh Country Resort in Saujana Utama on March 9, 2009 in anticipation of the building works that will commence soon.
All of us were driving towards the site
that morning but halfway, it started to rain heavily so we decided to head to the club house turned Thai restaurant instead. The security person was kind to let us use the premise since it had not yet started operations for the day.
After everybody was gathered and settled, Jamalus Ramli, the husband of our administrator, Rosnah Abdul Mutalib lead the doa and among others asked that Allah bless and protect us and the community around us, give us guidance and to make thing easy for us in this endeavour.
Our founder, Abdul Rehman Dakri then delivered a short speech expressing his thanks to all who had contributed and assisted us in running Rumah Aman, either in kind or cash for the past three years.

He said that work on Rumah Aman 2 will start in about a week from now and we will need continuous assistance from the public in making Rumah Aman 2 a reality. Presently Rumah Aman had collected about RM600,000.00 to build RumahAman 2.
Since the visit also fell on 12 Rabi’ul awal and to glorify the day of Maulid ur-Rasul, the boys recited some verses of the Quran, did Salawat Badriah, Asma Al-Husna and sang Ana Muslim.
Muhammad Redha Yaasin, 10, then recited the doa to end the function before everybody was served refreshments. By the time we finished, the rain had subsided and we went to visit the site.
Once we arrived at the site, the boys were excited seeing so much space around them and started to run around the site, moreover, the area is much bigger than the present Rumah Aman. We stayed there for about half an hour before we left for home.